Friday, July 17, 2009

Trend Micro warns of new worm for Symbian OS

Symbos_Yxes.B spreads via SMS. He holds a valid certificate from Symbian. After an infection, he steals serial number and participant ID and sends the data to a server on the Internet. Trend Micro has a new worm for Symbian OS and warned of the spread by SMS. The Symbos_Yxes.B-called malware can be manipulated via a website on a mobile phone that will unlock a user supposedly legitimate application as Symbian ACSServer.exe information source file (SIS) to download offers.

The malware bypasses an important safeguard for the mobile operating system. Symbian OS only allows the installation of signed applications. The certificates are issued by Symbian Signed, which is now part of the Symbian Foundation. Symbos_Yxes.B has, like the previous variant A, has a valid signature. After installing the malware steals, who is himself "Sexy Space" called, information like the serial number and IMEI Subscriber Identity IMSI, and sends them to a server on the Internet. In addition, the worm sends out SMS messages to the contacts of a user to continue to spread. The text of the SMS, he also receives from the server.

"In other words, there seems to be a botnet from mobile phones to act," wrote Trend Micro spokesman Jonathan Leopando in a blog entry. Worse, however, that the Variaten A and B of Symbos_Yxes have a valid signature that really meant
was detected pests. "There may be a random act, but the incident is not just strengthens the confidence in the signature system."

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Microsoft Office 2010: The Technical Preview in test

Microsoft Office is almost widespread as Windows. But when the users have an upgrade fatigue set, and Web-based competitors want a piece of cake. Office 2010 are currently only available to selected users as a Technical Preview. A public beta will only appear in a few months. Office remains the de facto standard for office productivity among both businesses and consumers. However, companies like Google and others are trying to challenge Microsoft with free Web-based versions of applications similar to Word, PowerPoint and Excel, which make up the core of Office.

Office product manager, who pointed out that the Technical Preview, not all for the final planned features, and some still not working correctly. The current release is meant to provide feedback for the developers. In fact, we come again to the areas which still need some fine-tuning. One can only advise against this, the Technical Preview in production environments only. The quality of the upcoming Office package is not yet at the level of the 7th beta of Windows Office 2010. Unlike Windows, both variations on the same disk should come under 64 bit. However, Microsoft did demonstrate the online suite at the conference during a keynote by Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop, who said a technical preview would be available in August, followed sometime after by a public beta.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Srware plans Iron Chrome browser for Mac OS

The Chrome-based browser version Iron broadcasts differently than the original version, no usage data to Google. Iron Srware used for a newer and JavaScript rendering engine, making the browser a little faster than the original works. According to Managing Director Stefan Ries, Srware plans a Google Chrome Engine based version of Mac OS Iron available. This was announced in Ries e-mail. Currently, Iron Srware browser for Windows. The company offers Iron as a portable and installation version.

Google's Chrome Engine offers over the competition, especially in matters clear speed advantages. Particularly fast in the browser JavaScript code to work. Already at the start shows the Google browser, it requires few resources. Especially on slow PCs Chrome starts much faster than the competition. Chrome sends the other hand, a lot of data to the Google headquarters. This is the browser in the criticism of data protection advised.

Srware with Iron provides a chromium-based browser version, the data into account. Unlike the original is not unique client ID is generated, by which the user can theoretically be identified. There is also no set time stamp, which provides information about when the browser was installed. Incorrectly entered addresses will not like to Google Chrome. It also includes an Iron Adblock, which the browser is not Google has to offer. For Iron Srware used a more recent rendering and JavaScript engine as Chrome, so the browser Srware in practice works a little faster. In fact, could be in the Iron benchmark almost always say before Chrome. Users, the development of the free browser wants to support can be via Paypal Srware a donation to you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MessageLabs warns against short URLs in spam e-mails

Nowadays, There are plenty number of short URLs in the spam e-mails. These kinds of spam messages with links abbreviated as increases from 0.5 percent to 2.5 percent. The increase indicates an automated generation of short URLs out. MessageLabs has warned the users against a strong increase of the short URLs in spam e-mails. The proportion of unwanted messages that contain a condensed link, either in the last week of at least 0.5 percent to two percent.

Short URLs make it possible for spammers, the ultimate goal of a link before the addressees to hide. They will often rely on social media sites like Twitter, which the number of characters of a message limit. "Normally such an increase is an indication that a spammer has found a way to generate short URLs to automate," said Matt Sergeant, senior anti-spam researchers at MessageLabs. A botnet with the name "Donbot" did this last technique increasingly used. The botnet appears to be designed, advertising display. Many computers are badly infected from the viruses, malwares and spywares.

Kaspersky has warned against possible dangers, which condensed out URLs. Services such as tinyurl and now offer optional preview links to pages in the full URL of a target display. In addition, Finjan a "Secure Browsing" called, free plug-in for Internet Explorer and Firefox. It discovered manipulated sites that are behind short URLs hide.

Monday, July 6, 2009

HTML 5 is not making open source video codec fixed

A clear definition fails the resistance of the browser manufacturers. They fear patent and qualitative problems. HTML 5 will not open-source codec for the item "Video" set. So far, H.264 or Ogg Theora for selection for multimedia content such as videos directly in the browser without plug-in from a third party, such as Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight play. One of the key features of HTML 5 is its native handling of rich media such as video and audio through the video and audio tags, which mean Web developers do not have to rely on proprietary products such as Adobe's Flash or Microsoft's Silverlight. A solid integration of Ogg Theora is loud Hickson, inter alia, the resistance of Apple failed. The company wanted the codec due to lack of hardware support and unclear patent situation is not installed in Quicktime.

Google's Chrome browser, support in the current version of both codecs, the developer writes on the website of the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), an association of companies involved in the development of HTML 5 work. The search provider could not license H.264 for Chromium, the open-source version of the browser available. Google also doubt that the quality of Ogg Theora for YouTube videos. Opera and Mozilla in turn refused to use H.264 because of patent and licensing problems.

He voted for the definition of codecs provided paragraphs of HTML-5-specification away, so Hickson. Instead, there are no targets, as in the past with tags for the presentation of images and image formats for the "Embed" and plug-in APIs and Web fonts. Hickson suggests two possible solutions to the problem. First, could the spread of Ogg Theora as much to grow, that Apple has to give up his resistance. On the other hand, one could wait until the patents expired and the H.264 codec will become the dominant technology.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bing introduces real timeTwitter posts in its search results

Microsoft have taken a big step towards the Bing success. Now, Microsoft will shows the real time Twitter posts in the search results. This news will help Microsoft to keep the hype about Bing intact. According to sources, Bing is successful in grabbing the search market where as Google lost little of bit during June month. Microsoft is testing the real-time search on Bing introducing the results of "posts" facts on Twitter. At the same time, the editor opens his own account on the official site of microblogging. Microsoft announced Wednesday evening on the blog dedicated to Twitter Bing it included in its search results.

Now, It will very interesting that how Google is going to react about this Bing step. Users can decide which browser is better than rest of them. It is very clear that Microsoft Bing have many new features that Google does not have. For now, Microsoft has restricted the number of "twitterers" a few thousand people selected based on volume of Twitter and the number of followers. By typing the name of a person followed or preceded by Twitter, you get the latest posts and link to his account and as to set an example, Microsoft has at the same time created its own account on Twitter.

The real-time search is emerging as one of the major challenges for search engines "classic." Twitter regularly demonstrates greater responsiveness to the news front. The implementations seems more of a publicity than reality. Bing is showing
up recent tweets from well-known people. The search appears only when that person's name and Twitter in provided in the same query. This has been tweaked via Twitter's API, which doesn't differentiate it from a simple widget that shows you the most recent tweets of a twitter member. A tool which neither Microsoft nor Yahoo, or Google can not do without. The Mountain View company is currently working on a project specific search engine to Twitter would take into account the size of messages.